65 COMPANY PROFILE Our Chain of Custody Number is NCCOC-005535 BN. The license number you see on our products is FSC® C007915. Every item listed on this website is FSC certified. Unless its 100 percent recycled… As well as the use of FSC ® certified materials, all of our cards have a recycled content. We specify the percentage of recycled paper on the back of the card. Most of our cards are 100 percent recycled postconsumer waste. 100 percent recycled envelopes... Since the mid ‘90s we have exclusively used 100 percent recycled paper envelopes. We only use paper containing postconsumer waste and, wherever possible, it is made in the UK. Alcohol-free print... Industrial Alcohol is a solvent used by printers and is the industry’s main source of hazardous VOC emissions. Since 2010 all of our card brochures have been printed without the use of any alcohol at all. Vegetable-based inks... When we print on a normal (litho) printing press we only use vegetable-based inks. Replacing the ‘mineral-oil’ in inks with vegetableoil (typically made from soy-bean or linseed) reduces VOC emissions. Recently the use of vegetable based inks has become more wide spread. Occasionally,