Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - July/August 2023

102 Trade show connections Looking back, if I hit rewind to just a few years ago, trade shows were a huge part of my business calendar. They were a pivotal way for me to find new business and connect with the industry. And then the rug was pulled from under us ‒ the pandemic arrived and we all quickly learned to connect and communicate in new ways. Conducting business virtually became the new normal and it was great to see trade show platforms evolve to facilitate the needs of bringing industries together. So many of those new practices have been maintained and continue to be the norm today. And I’ll be honest, until quite recently I’ve been in two minds about the relevance of trade shows. Travelling and taking time out of a business when you can connect so easily in other ways ‒ is it really necessary? But then I attended a show for the first time in three years and my opinion was completely changed! Here’s why… • Unique connections ‒ The joy of chatting and mixing with people in real life just cannot be replicated virtually. There’s something so wonderful about bumping into people you haven’t seen in years. And conversations spring up and evolve organically, leading to amazing insights and ideas that you wouldn’t otherwise have experienced. • Fresh perspectives ‒ Chatting with other suppliers, customers and competitors to see what’s happening in the industry is a great way to find fresh inspiration. I came back from the trade show feeling excited, motivated and absolutely brimming with new areas to explore and new initiatives to kick start! • New directions ‒ Even if you work hard to keep up to date and know your industry inside and out, there’s always something new on the horizon. Be among the first to find out about new trends and the next big thing in your industry by checking out the competition and getting to know upcoming and new businesses. • Get the word out ‒ Want to build brand awareness? Chatting and networking in person is a classic way to do it and it still works! No-one is a better advocate of your business than you. Trade shows offer a valuable opportunity to connect with your audience, cultivate business relationships and generate new leads! So there you have it! Trade shows are just as important, refreshing and rewarding as ever and will be firmly back in my diary from now on. How important are trade shows in today’s business world? Sara Davies gives her thoughts... Sara Davies MBE is founder of Crafter’s Companion.