Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - September/October 2023

94 Mission accomplished Bruce Penson, Managing Director of cyber security and IT support company Pro Drive IT, offers five ways small businesses can lower their carbon emissions by optimising technology. In 2019, the UK government committed to achieving carbon neutrality, otherwise known as ‘net zero’, by 2050. This target might seem part of a distant future, but research has proven that we’re already falling far short of what’s required if we have any chance of meeting it. According to the latest update to the UN Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Synthesis Report, a sizable 13.7 per cent increase in global greenhouse gas emissions compared to 2010 is anticipated by 2030. As limiting global average temperature increases to 1.5 °C requires a 45 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, there’s a lot more work to be done. If we want to mitigate irreversible climate change, businesses of all shapes and sizes must take credible action against global warming — sooner rather than later. What’s more, with gas and electricity prices rising and winter fast approaching, it certainly can’t hurt to minimise energy usage at home and in offices. Fortunately, companies can make some simple and immediate technology changes to help the UK move towards a lower carbon economy. 1. Shut everything down Do your employees typically leave computers in ‘sleep’ mode overnight? Unless they need to have them running for a software update, ask staff to shut systems down when they’re finished for the day. According to The Carbon Trust, turning computers off at night and on weekends could cut the energy these devices use by 75 per cent a year! It’s also important to remember not to leave other devices like TVs on standby. Switching off phones, screens, printers and other non-essential devices at the wall will ensure no electricity is needlessly used — and prolong equipment lifecycles. Small businesses can also introduce regular office events like WWF’s annual Earth Hour, encouraging teams to unplug from the digital world and reduce carbon footprints. 2. Create ‘smarter’ offices Many people now use ‘smart’ tech and internet of things (IoT) devices to automate daily functions like lighting and heating to save time and energy. Still, many organisations have been slow to introduce these modern solutions to their workspaces — despite the proven benefits. It’s relatively easy to retrofit smart switches, plugs and sensors with motion-detection or timer capabilities to automatically shut down and restart equipment when the office isn’t being used. With utilities going up, it’s wise to think about this before it starts to get darker and colder - and especially before Christmas lights are left switched on throughout the festive period! 3. Embrace digital transformation Does your business still run its servers through its IT network? Servers are incredibly inefficient, requiring lots of power and generating significant amounts