Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - May/June 2024

COMPANY PROFILE 13 Y.O.U UNDERWEAR the fact that it’s such a holistic and rigorous certification – it measures everything you do across your business – and also having to embed your commitments into your legal business structure means it’s not just a box ticking exercise. It really helps give credibility and trust to what we’re doing and helps customers see that we’re not greenwashing and genuinely do the things we say we do. It’s been great for customers, but also to attract staff and to help select other businesses we want to work with. Being part of the B Corp community is also a big advantage and has allowed us to add our voice to many amazing collaborations and campaigns. How do you view the future of independent retail? Independent retail is a tough but vital part of our high streets, our communities and the wider economy. We can’t – and don’t want to – compete with many of our larger high street rivals but instead I believe we can offer something different. A better, greener, more inclusive and sustainable future where we are all more deeply connected to those local, independent businesses who can once again be the vibrant heart of our cities. Are you active on social media? How is this important for the business? Yes – and you can find us on most of the usual platforms with the handle @youunderwearuk. It’s a key part of engaging with our customers and showcasing our products, as well as our values and the principles we stand for and the changes we’re trying to achieve. It’s a constant battle for attention and engagement though and there’s a lot of noise out there. Social media takes lots of time and requires constant content, so whilst I definitely recognise its value it is really hard for us to manage, particularly as we don’t have any money to spend on advertising and that’s what the platforms really want to and need to get you out there. Do you have any advice for new businesses starting out in the world of gifts? I think for all businesses it’s about having a great product and ensuring that there are customers out there who want it, whether it’s for themselves or as a gift. I would really encourage a focus on sustainability though – customers are increasingly thinking about the impact of products and their purchase, and it’s our responsibility to think about people and planet as well as profit. What can we expect in the future from the company? Hopefully a lot, although this year is all about consolidation. We’ve got lots to do to improve our impact, from a new recycling solution, to tracking our carbon footprint and moving towards our net zero commitment, to our B Corp recertification later this year. We’ve also got some new products and designs in progress, so I will be looking forward to sharing those soon too!