Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - July/August 2024

65 PROFILE IVYMORE LIVING T: +44 (0)7967 323 077 during these times is also a benefit, as we have less overheads than larger operations and can be more agile when things need to pivot. How do you view the future of independent retail? Well I think if you buy into the mantra that with every challenge comes opportunity, then we should be very optimistic about the future for independent retail! In all seriousness though, although it has been a very difficult time the past few years, I think there is a lot to be optimistic about. For one thing there has been a palpable shift of feeling away from larger institutions back towards supporting independents and smaller businesses in the last few years, both online and bricks and mortar. People are looking for unique offerings and quality products from brands they trust that hold the same values as them. This will all fuel entrepreneurship and innovation in the industry and makes for very exciting times ahead. Are you active on social media? How is this important for the business? We do have a presence across social media (Instagram and Pinterest in particular @ivymoreliving), but I have found this a very hard area to really make work without having a huge amount of time or resource to put into it. I think as a small business it’s risky to put all your marketing eggs into the social media basket, given the unpredictability of algorithm changes and the need to be constantly feeding the machine in order to stay visible. Having said that, I think having a social media presence can be beneficial to help build trust in your brand, assist people with finding you and as a good way of connecting with your customers. For us though I think it will remain just one element of our marketing and brand building strategy. Do you have any advice for new businesses starting out in the world of gifts? As a relatively new business ourselves I am not sure we are in a position to be doling out the advice just yet – but if I was to give any, I think it would be not to underestimate the number of hats you are going to have to wear and just how many different directions you will be pulled in when starting out. Most of us go into it for the love of the product, but you soon realise that this will only make up a small proportion of what you are actually spending time on each week. The industry is complicated and competitive and not for the faint-hearted! What can we expect in the future from the company? We are looking forward to introducing our new collections over the coming months which will take us in a slightly new direction, with an increased focus on quality and luxury and a preference for handmade and artisanal items.