Gift Focus inc Attire Accessories - September/October 2024

71 BUSINESS ADVICE The implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) is fast approaching in June 2025. Therefore, now is the time to urgently explore how accessible your retail website or online platform is for users with additional needs. Sherwen Studios, a boutique collective of digital transformation specialists, is advising retailers to urgently review their websites through a critical lens of digital accessibility. They believe that the following months will be crucial for firms to ensure that they adhere to the Act, which mandates that a wide range of digital products and services, from websites and mobile apps to electronic documents, be accessible to all users with any form of disability. This includes people with visual impairments, hearing loss, mobility limitations, and cognitive differences. Matt Sherwen, owner of Sherwen Studios, says, “The European Accessibility Act may be an EU legislation, but it’s also one that makes perfect sense. After all, why wouldn’t you want your digital capabilities to be fully functional for all users? Too often, websites and digital platforms look great, but they can be challenging to manage for users who may have additional needs. This frequently puts those users at a disadvantage, which isn’t acceptable. “We want to urge businesses in the retail sector to use the next twelve months to really prioritise digital accessibility – especially within the context of personalisation and customisation strategies, which are far more responsive to individual user needs.” Digital accessibility is about ensuring that users with disabilities and additional needs are carefully considered so they are able to receive the same dynamic online experiences as others. While digital accessibility can be complex, Sherwen Studios has created an initial five-point checklist of priorities that retail businesses can cross-reference to ensure that best practice guidelines are being followed. INTEGRATION WITH ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Many users may need to use assistive technologies such as screen readers to use websites or read digital documents. These ACCESSIBILITY MATTERS Sherwin Studios advises retailers how to get prepared for the implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA), which comes into force in June 2025